CEC-Foder is a 100% organic and natural food additive for all animal species, designed to be incorporated into existing livestock diets.
It helps to streamline digestion and protein absorption, while it binds and reduces the amount of mycotoxin and aflatoxins in its surroundings. This gives a faster and more stable growth, which gives the animal a better immune system and a higher resistance to common diseases.

Its strong affinity for ammonium provides superior odour control, while promoting a healthy environment. It may also protect the penetration of ammonia into the bloodstream and help balance pH levels within the blood. This resultantly supports and strengthens the immune system and encourages a healthier animal overall.

Helps achieve the best and optimal conditions during the weaning period
CEC-Foder has EU approval for use in farming and pet industries. It is already the standard mycotoxin binder in many countries, capable of absorbing a broad spectrum of toxins. It also helps control aflatoxins in animal feed which lowers mortality rates from digestive stress and reduces the need for antibiotics and medicines.

European Feed Additives and PreMixtures Quality System
Improved animal growth and weight gain by increased food conversion rate efficiencies (less feed required per kg of weight gain) and improved bone growth.
Strong affinity for ammonium aids digestion, nutrient absorption from foods and improves the quality of milk, gradable eggs and the meat.
Increased NPN for ruminants and improves rumen microbial activity.
Helps in the control of acidosis, diarrhoea, enteritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.
Gas absorption properties may help reduce animal gas emissions, especially in cattle.
Helps prevent foods from lumping and being contaminated by moulds & mycotoxins.
Could CEC-Foder trap amino acids or vitamin molecules?
CEC-Foder does not attack and is not able to trap such big molecules > 400pm, because of the discrepancy of zeolite's structure diameter, and the diameter of such bigger molecules like those of vitamins and amino acids.
Nutrition important ions are <400pm, so could these be trapped then?
During the digestive process, CEC-Foder's ion-exchange properties also come into direct contact with the already mentioned nutrition important ions such as calcium (Ca2+), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), magnesium (Mg2+), and others, because these ions are compatible in diameter with CEC-Foder's pores, so there is a risk that they could be trapped. But, if they are, these nutrients are immediately changed anyway with molecules and ions that have a preferred specific affinity, such as ammonia, free water, toxins and heavy metals. The selective binding of these substances is what makes CEC-Foder so magical. Because it prolongs the digestive process, it allows for a longer period of exchange activities within the fluid medium of the gut, where there is enough and sufficient concentration of molecules which have specific affinity.
1kg of CEC-Foder can trap 15-23g of ammonia
How can CEC-Foder improve animal performance?
Using CEC-FODER for animal feed production helps trap toxic and metabolic elements which attack them. Therefore, energy usually needed for detoxification processes without CEC-FODER is available for the organism for use and results in a better immune system, and higher performance.
CEC-Foder applications in animal nutrition
Premix productions: CEC-FODER is used in the premix production as an anti-caking agent. It is chemically inert, meaning it can be blended with other ingredients without reacting. CEC-FODER ensures the safety of the premix but controls humidity and maintains consistent particle sizes - potentially a fixed price of your premix can be used for longer periods as the CEC-FODER prevents premix from going bad.
Compound feed production: Within the production of compound feed, CEC-FODER protects against humidity and therefore mould contamination during the storage of feed. A homogeneous blending of ingredients is achieved which ensures a consistent mixture of all ingredients used. In this case it ensures animals receive the same nutritional content in each serving, which is vital to maintain a balance of nutrients in their diet. Additionally, CEC-FODER reduces the effect of ammonia in animal gut and better stabilises odour.
Special feed production: CEC-FODER stabilises pH within the rumen (largest stomach compartment in monogastric herbivore animals), ensuring good fibre digestion from feed. CEC-FODER can be used as an anti-diarrhoea product, immune system supporting production, and as a mycotoxin binding product.
CEC-Foder product qualities
CEC-FODER is a 100% natural material, a silicate mineral that is free from moulds and bacteria (often a danger in product of plant origin)
CEC-FODER is a safe product free from GMO and products of animal origin, with regular quality control systems during production (heavy metals, dioxins, PCB, microbiology).
CEC-FODER is also available in different particle sizes depending on the feed type production and the technological possibility in feed factories. CEC-FODER can be stored for long periods of time with no degradation into metabolites and maintains a stable structure.

Promotes optimal and healthy functionality of the rumen - stabilises the ph to 6.2-7.0, reducing the risk of acidosis​
Facilities better digestion to allow more efficient absorption of nutrients from food
Lowers the amount of energy required for metabolising - free energy for growth, immunity, fertility and higher production
Increased milk production (propionate) and positive effects on meat quality
Binds bioamines (cadaverine, putrescine,) toxins, metabolites; absorbs ammonia ​
Improve the cattles' environment
Reduces the release of ammonia into the environment
Reduces the malodour and wetness of excrements - reduction in the diseases of locomotive organs (impact on milk production)
CEC-Foder is non-toxic to the environment (bio-waste, fertilisers with N content)
Water supplier for the digestion process; grit for mechanical stomachs (feed crushing)
Facilitates a slower passage of food = longer time for the resorption of nutrients
Binds bioamines (cadaverine, putrescine), toxins, metabolites; adborbs ammonia selectively
Lowers energy required for metabolism - free energy for growth, immunity and higher production; resulting in better nutrient resorption (immune system support)
CEC-Foder is not subject to metabolism (does not degrade; instead, it acts as a carrier of nutrients), reducing occurrence of diarrheic syndrome
Better meat and egg quality, with an improved intensity of egg-laying
Higher fat stock weight
Improve the poultries environment
​Lower ammonia discharge into the environment
Lower malodour and lower litter wetness; so a reduction in the occurrence of locomotive organ diseases
Fewer dirty eggs and better litter properties, with improvement in animal welfare
Improves the environmental climate and animal welfare

Positive effects on the pH level in the digestive tract; the ultimate pH control
Facilitates a slower passage of food = longer time for the resorption of nutrients
Binds bioamines (cadaverine, putrescine), toxins, metabolites; adsorbs ammonia selectively
Lowers energy required for metabolism, resulting in free energy for growth, immunity and higher production; resulting in better nutrient resorption (immune system support)
CEC-Foder is not subject to metabolism (does not degrade; instead, it acts as a carrier of nutrients), reducing occurrence of diarrheic syndrome
Positive effects on the increase of population, meat quality and fertility
Improve the pigs environment
Reduces the release of ammonia into the environment
Improves the environmental climate and animal welfare
CEC-Foder is non-toxic to the environment (bio-waste, fertilisers with N content)
Positive effects on the pH level in the digestive tract; the ultimate pH control
Facilitates a slower passage of food = longer time for the resorption of nutrients
Binds bioamines (cadaverine, putrescine), toxins, metabolites; adsorbs ammonia selectively
Lowers energy required for metabolism, resulting in free energy for growth, immunity and higher production; resulting in better nutrient resorption (immune system support) increases the use of Ig proteins
CEC-Foder is not subject to metabolism (does not degrade; instead, it acts as a carrier of nutrients), reducing occurrence of diarrheic syndrome
Better health conditions of pets, with lower antibiotic use, and improves fertility
Improve your pets environment
Improves the household climate and lowers odour, and better fecal score
Improves your animals welfare
Does not effect the pets food taste

Once upon a farm not so far away...
The Normal Way
The Zeo-Way

Sound beneficial for you and your livestock?
Don't fall behind your competition, they're already using CEC-Foder...